Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Christmas Party Update

To: All Lodge, Chapter and Council members and family.

The Ohio Masonic Home Christmas Party will be held on Monday, December 2 at the New Carlisle Masonic Temple. Dinner is scheduled for 6:00 P.M. for those who have asked to attend dinner and declared a side dish.

We invite you and your family (especially children and grandchildren) to join us for this traditional holiday event. More than 30 residents from the Ohio Masonic Home will attend.
There will be a visit from Santa Claus and one of his elves.

We ask all those attending to bring a side dish. 

We need to know how many are coming by Friday, November 22.

If you haven't already, Please call or email Richard Woodward to let us know how many will be attending and what side dish you are bringing.
Richard Woodward   937-729-8244

Jay Maxwell, Secretary, New Carlisle Lodge No. 100